Thursday, January 24, 2019

Found In Translation (November 2018, Zurich University of the Arts)

It starts with a scribble. . .

In this case, the part of one of my two year old's drawings that I found the most interesting; the upper left corner (see below). This and other scribbles served as a starting point for me to explore more deeply the language of line and how it can be used as a form of expression, beyond making visible marks on paper.

In the previous post, you can see some of the drawings that were a result of recording the dancer in motion

one of my son's drawings (age 2)

 Still from the live performance, featuring Myriam Gurini 

The drawer (me) at the visualizer. . .

The final moment of the performance (above) in the Oblichtsaal @ the Toni Areal, Zurich, CH

the evidence, charcoal powder on paper