Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Linear Development


March 5, 2019 at L200 in Zurich, Switzerland, with the dance talent of Myriam Gurini and contributions from some of the youngest members in the neighborhood, I presented "Linear Development" a two part performance and workshop exploring patterns in development. 
The link above shows some documentation of the workshop courtesy of the organisation; L200
and the photos below document the sequence and progression of the performance

all photos by Rodrigo Souza Freitas

Final Performance at Toni Areal


link to final edit of "Found In Translation" at the Toni Areal in the Oblichtsaal in fulfilment for the Certificate in Advanced Studies in Arts and Design in Practice from the Zurcher Hochschule der Künste.

password: drawing

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Found In Translation (November 2018, Zurich University of the Arts)

It starts with a scribble. . .

In this case, the part of one of my two year old's drawings that I found the most interesting; the upper left corner (see below). This and other scribbles served as a starting point for me to explore more deeply the language of line and how it can be used as a form of expression, beyond making visible marks on paper.

In the previous post, you can see some of the drawings that were a result of recording the dancer in motion

one of my son's drawings (age 2)

 Still from the live performance, featuring Myriam Gurini 

The drawer (me) at the visualizer. . .

The final moment of the performance (above) in the Oblichtsaal @ the Toni Areal, Zurich, CH

the evidence, charcoal powder on paper